Curriculum Vitae

Mikko Kolehmainen

Software developer and hardware tinkerer


Work history

Working as a tools & tech programmer at Metacore (2022-).

Worked as a audio programmer at Rovio Entertainment (2021-2022).

Worked as a junior audio programmer at Remedy Entertainment (2020-2021) on unannounced game project and internal development. Co-designing and programming features for in-house game engine Northlight, maintaining audio code base and middleware integration, but also developing custom tools for the audio pipeline.

Worked as an technical audio designer at Remedy Entertainment (2018-2020) on titles Control and Crossfire X (PC, PS4, Xbox). Music implementation, system design, implementation and audio optimization on game projects, but also development and programming of internal tools. Mostly working with in-house game engine Northlight and Audiokinetic Wwise.

Worked as principal sound designer for Convict games (2018) on a title Stone (PC, Mac, Xbox, Nintendo Switch). Work involved organizing, directing and executing voice-over sessions in Finland and Australia, sound design, implementation with Unreal Engine.

Worked as sound designer for 3rd Eye Studios (2017-2018) on title Downward Spiral (PS4, PSVR, PC and Oculus). Work involved sound design, implementation with custom cross-platform audio tools for Unity.

Developing software tools

Variety of tools, standalone applications and extensions for 3rd party software such as Unity, Audiokinetic Wwise and Cockos Reaper. Some examples: automated implementation and asset management extension for Wwise, dialogue/ADR recording software, code reference finder, version control and automation extensions for Reaper.

Personal projects include file encryption tools, file finding and parsing tools, customizing linux systems and scripting, signal processing tools, generative music sofware and random projects with Arduino/Esp32 with wide selection of sensors.


Professional experience with Rust, C++, C#, Python and Lua, and personal projects additionally Go, Elisp, and scripting languages.

Solid understanding of editors and software development tools such as Vim, Emacs, Visual Studio, Pycharm, Rider, Git and Perforce.

Experience with setting up and using operating systems such as Arch linux, Kali linux, Qubes Os, Ubuntu, MacOS, Microsoft Windows, iOS, Android and GrapheneOS.

Basic knowledge of self-hosted servers, networking, NAS setups and cloud services such as AWS and Google Cloud, but also embedded development with Raspberry Pi, Esp32, Arduino and other electronics.

Great team working and communication skills both in English and Finnish.


Outside of work, I'm interested in number of things e.g. DIY, music, farming, board/video games, climbing and cycling.